Financial assistance is most often associated with college tuition, but it’s also available for another very costly time in one’s life: a cancer diagnosis. From life insurance loans for cancer patients to initiatives that help patients with everyday expenses, there are a number of programs available to alleviate the financial burden that most cancer patients face. Here are a few of the options cancer patients can consider when looking to get their finances on the right track—so their health can follow:
· Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition: If you’re looking for a broad overview of the different options available, Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition’s website provides ample information. Users can sort through programs for people with varying needs, from meal-delivery services to wish-fulfillment initiatives.
Life insurance loans for cancer patients:
Not all life insurance policies allow holders to draw on their value; policies usually must meet certain requirements, and patients often have to have a terminal prognosis. Instead, Life Credit’s Living Benefit Loans program allows policyholders with at least $75,000 in any type of life insurance to borrow up to 50 percent of the policy’s death benefit, which is often released in just days and can be used to cover a range of costs.
Life Credit Company provides Living Benefit Loans to those who need it. Follow Life Credit’s simple 3 step process to financial assistance for cancer patients.
Local-level programs:
While many large national agencies offer resources, there are also local efforts across the country. The American Cancer Society and United Way, for instance, each enable patients to search for individualized services tailored to their geographic locations.
Condition-based efforts:
People can often access financial assistance based on the type of cancer they’re facing or treatment they’re facing. For instance, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society offers resources for patients diagnosed with variations of that disease, while the National Foundation for Transplants connects patients awaiting transplants with financial assistance.
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