Because it comes in many forms, a cancer diagnosis can be anything from upsetting to devastating. It’s a time for reflection, planning, and for living. Unfortunately, it’s also a time for additional expenses. Even those who have the best of health insurance plans may be considering loans for cancer patients and other available resources.
The Battle on Two Fronts
On a policy level, the war against cancer was first declared back in the early 1970s, and it’s been fought every day since then. But on a personal level the effort looks very different. While we and our closest relatives and friends may be focused on a cure, focused on living to the fullest, and on some days simply focused on getting to the next good day, expenses can mount up as an annoying distraction, or worse.
And the expenses can be a nasty surprise. Before we get sick, “copay” might sound like paying our fair share. But the reality of expensive drugs can turn the meaning of that term into a dreaded burden. Then we discover a whole host of expenses we never thought about that just don’t happen to be covered by our insurance. There can be travel for care, added caregivers, lost wages. Some of these can be vital to our health. And some, like those trips we always wanted to take or people we wanted to see, can be vital to our well-being.
How can you reduce the number of fronts you are faced with and get back to living life?
A Solution To Consider For Cancer Patients
We have an answer that can help you stay focused on what matters to you, if you have a life insurance policy. We offer Living Benefit Loans against the death benefit in policies. Loans can range up to 50% of that benefit—and you can use it for any purpose. That’s the point: it’s your life, you decide. We get the loan repaid later from the death benefit policies. And the rest goes to your beneficiaries just as you intended.
Our Trained and Dedicated Counselors are Here for You
We have an answer that can help you stay focused on what matters to you. If you own a life insurance policy and have been diagnosed with a serious illness you can receive up to 50% of your life insurance policy’s death benefit today. These are funds that can be used for any purpose. You do not lose your policy and your beneficiaries remain the same. You do not have to make loan payments or incur any out of pocket expenses. Ultimately, our loan is repaid from the death benefit proceeds and the rest goes to your beneficiaries just as you intended.
For more information, please give us a call at 1-888-274-1777.
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