by Life Credit Company | Nov 30, 2017 | Cancer Research & News
The search to find help for cancer patients is never-ending. New research is focused on methods that “attack” or “kill” cancer cells through alternative ways including using one’s own body to fight the disease. The term “poliovirus” has long been deemed to be associated with the deadly disease polio. However, new research may have some looking at it in a new light. Scientists at Duke University recently unveiled a study that found poliovirus may be able to provide unique help for cancer patients. The study revealed that the virus can attack cancer cells, setting off a process that jumpstarts the body’s immune system to fight back against cancer. What Does the Research Say? Researchers introduced poliovirus to subjects suffering from melanoma and breast cancer and observed that the proteins in the cancer cells served as receptors for the virus. Once it attached itself, the virus attacked the cancer cells, which responded by releasing toxic antigens. After the toxins began circulating, the body’s immune system responded, attacking the tumor. The cyclical process that the poliovirus touched off halted tumor growth. What Now? The research points to a potentially significant breakthrough in cancer treatment and prevention. Scientists plan to continue to study the role poliovirus can play in reducing the growth of melanoma, breast cancer and prostate cancer. In particular, researchers intend to use combination treatments to explore even more effective ways to generate responses from the immune system. While poliovirus has traditionally been thought of as a threat to one’s health, modern innovations in cancer research highlight the potential health-saving benefits of the virus. This type of research is among...
by Life Credit Company | Nov 16, 2017 | Quality of Life & Emotional Support
According to CBS News, more than half of Americans have had an immediate family member who has battled cancer. Despite that staggering statistic, the mental and emotional toll of cancer may seem insurmountable for loved ones, who struggle to find the right words and actions to provide a solid support system for the cancer patient in their lives. Here are a few ways you can support a loved one through his or her diagnosis: Be aware: Even if the individual hasn’t confided in you that he or she is struggling, educate yourself about the logistical side effects of cancer, such as financial toxicity. Research has found that cancer more than doubles the risk for bankruptcy, so financial help for cancer patients can go a long way. Companies like LifeCredit provide lifesaving loans to help patients navigate their care. Make yourself aware of such resources so you can share them with the loved in your life. Be practical: Whether it’s finances or housework, think of simple ways you can help. Drop off a gift card to a place you know your loved one likes to food shop, or even stock up on groceries yourself and deliver them to their door. Grab your vacuum cleaner and head over to help them spruce up their home. Cook and deliver some meals that can be frozen. Think about the tasks that you do on a daily basis around your home and figure out ways to assist your loved one with those responsibilities. Importantly, don’t wait to be asked: Just show up and get to work. Be a good listener: Sometimes a person facing...
by Life Credit Company | Nov 9, 2017 | Financial Assistance for Cancer Patients
When someone receives a cancer diagnosis, his or her first thought is likely about how to beat the odds. Unfortunately, that path toward success is often riddled with costs, a burdensome side effect of cancer. Fortunately, financial assistance for cancer patients is available to help increase those odds. From treatment bills to medications, the cost of cancer can really add up; when you factor in lifestyle changes like reduced ability to work, the need for more childcare hours and changes to one’s diet, the expenses continue to mount. The more those financial needs are met, the better able cancer patients are to focus on their health. Our company, Life Credit, focuses exclusively on providing financial assistance in the form of loans for cancer patients (link to /about-us/) and others who are facing serious illness. Additionally, health organizations and nonprofits nationwide are recognizing that cancer patients need assistance with financial resources so they can face the disease as prepared as possible. Here are a few of the leading resources cancer patients can consult for financial assistance: Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition: This organization is a coalition of some of the nation’s leading cancer-care and research agencies. On its website, cancer patients can input specific details, like their diagnosis and location, to find resources tailored to their situation. They can also specify a certain need, such as assistance with purchasing a wig, home care or education scholarships. This is a one-stop shop that collects the best information on financial assistance for cancer patients and presents it in a reader-friendly guide. American Cancer Society: This site has a good roundup of ACS’ extensive...
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