Benefits of Blogging for Cancer Patients

More than three billion people worldwide use the Internet. In this digital era, folks share many aspects of their lives across blogs, websites, and social media posts. According to a 2011 report conducted by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, almost half of the 74 percent of American adults using the Internet have read commentary about medical issues via an online news group, blog, or website. An additional 13 percent of patients have shared their first-hand experiences on a blog.

How Cancer Patients Can Benefit

Being diagnosed with cancer is a life-altering experience and one that can take a while to sink in. Blogging, while hardly a new idea, can provide numerous benefits and help cancer patients cope with their recent diagnosis.

Some of the benefits associated with blogging include:

  • Keeping friends and family up-to-date on your treatments and current health status
  • Meeting others that share the same symptoms or disease and feeling like you are part of a community that can empathize with your condition
  • Finding solace through writing about your experiences

Health Institutions are Taking Notice

Numerous top-tier medical facilities, such as John Hopkins and Massachusetts General Hospital, are encouraging patients to share their experiences with illness on a blogging platform. The institutions are partnering with companies, including CarePages, which offer private websites for patients and caregivers to share updates about their recent condition.

Furthermore, additional institutions, like Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, host writing workshops to help cancer patients cope with their disease. A study conducted at the center found that patients who participated in a 20-minute writing task reported changes in their feelings toward their illness and were “significantly associated with better physical quality of life at follow-up,” according to the study.

We Can Help

Life Credit encourages our clients to find different ways to cope with their cancer diagnosis. Whether it’s through blogging, exercise, or yoga, we encourage you to find whatever method helps you discover peace.

We’ll leave the writing up to you and our experts at Life Credit will handle the tricky financial loans part to help you pay for your treatments. Our team is committed to being with you every step of the way during your treatment process, and we’ll do our best to get you the peace-of-mind you deserve.

Life Credit Company

We are a licensed consumer lender that is dedicated to providing financial assistance for patients who are facing serious illness. With a Living Benefit Loan, from Life Credit Company, you can receive up to 50% of your life insurance policy’s death benefit today. Whether you need to catch up on medical bills, consolidate debt or take your family on a dream vacation, this is your money to spend without restrictions. If you have at least $75,000 of life insurance and have been diagnosed with cancer or other serious medical condition, you may qualify for a loan. Contact us today to speak with a professional counselor who is standing by to assist you.

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